Legal Ally

Legal Ally:
Your Ally for seeking Justice

Fighting for the Rights of the Many, Against the Power of the Few.

Legal Ally:
Your Ally for seeking Justice

Fighting for the Rights of the Many, Against the Power of the Few.

Legal Ally:
Your Ally for seeking Justice

Fighting for the Rights of the Many, Against the Power of the Few.


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Plaintiffs helped in Multiple Cases

 If someone else, a company, or a defective product is responsible for your injuries, the law entitles you to compensation, but, to ensure that you maximize your recovery, you need experience on your side with the help of the right attorney.

Legal Ally: Your Ally for seeking Justice

Nationwide Mass Tort Acquisition You Can Count On

At Legal Ally, we believe in the power of unity. As a leading case review team in the field of mass tort, we have built an extensive network of experts, resources, and fellow advocates. Together, we stand as a formidable force, empowering victims and demanding change. 

Why Choose Legal Ally?

No Fee Unless You Win

No attorney fee unless you win. That’s a promise you will receive in writing.

Immediate Guidance

Expect clear guidance and consultation from the very first call.

Thousands of Happy Clients

Our success has been acknowledged by countless awards and clients who are our raving fans.


We help people in every state to ensure they have the right legal representation. We partner with with top personal injury and mass tort law firms to get you the compensation you deserve

Legal Ally has helped leading personal injury and mass tort firms acquire thousands of cases for many litigation projects, including: Tylenol & Autism Firefighting Foam & Cancer, Hair Relaxer & Cancer, Roundup & Blood Cancerand, and others.

  • Parents with children diagnosed with Autism or ADHD, age 3-17
  • Number of plaintiffs we have helped: 40,000+
  • Who may be affected: Firefighters diagnosed with certain cancers
  • Number of plaintiffs we have helped: 60+
  • Who may be affected: Chemical hair relaxer consumers diagnosed with certain cancers
  • Number of plaintiffs we have helped: 1000+
  • Who may be affected: Roundup weed killer users diagnosed with certain cancers
  • Number of plaintiffs we have helped: 60+
  • Who may be affected:  Anyone worked, lived at, or visited Camp Lejeune  between 1953 and 1987

If an accident happens, it’s necessary to hold the individual who caused it accountable for their actions.

  • Who may be affected: Individuals who have used talc-containing products and have developed ovarian cancer or mesothelioma
  • Number of plaintiffs we have helped: 500+

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Frequently Asked Questions

A mass tort is a civil action wherein multiple plaintiffs have a similar complaint against a defendant in court. Often, they involve individuals who have suffered damages due to the negligence or misconduct of a larger company.
Through a Tylenol autism lawsuit, you may be able to seek compensation for medical expenses, mental healthcare expenses, permanent disability costs, physical and emotional pain and suffering, loss of enjoyment of life, and other losses.

If you are considering filing a mass tort case against one or more parties, it is vital to consult the services of an attorney before proceeding with your claim.

  • Mass tort litigation cases usually pursue damages against large corporations with extensive legal teams. Corporate legal departments are notoriously relentless and are often difficult (if not outright impossible) to negotiate with without the assistance of an attorney at your side.
  • Mass torts can often be incredibly complicated, especially in cases where liability is shared between multiple parties. An attorney who has previous experience in mass tort litigation is already familiar with the processes and procedures involved – regardless of complexity or the number of parties involved.
  • Mass tort claims are often prolonged and incredibly lengthy. This can make pursuing a claim on your own incredibly stressful, costly, and ill-advised. Retaining an attorney can ensure you keep track of your litigation weeks, months, or even years after it has been filed.
  • Determining the full value of your claim can be difficult without professional assistance. An attorney can give you the resources to obtain an accurate valuation of your case so that you receive the compensation you deserve.

It is important to note that mass tort cases may share some similarities to class action suits, especially in regard to the number of people affected by the negligence of another party. However, in a mass tort claim, each person who files is considered an individual plaintiff – while in a class action, multiple parties collaborate to form one collective plaintiff.

As a result, in mass torts, each plaintiff is responsible for substantiating their own claims, rather than proving multiple cases collectively. Therefore, a mass tort attorney is invaluable throughout the claims process as he or she stands by your side and defends your legal rights.

Mass tort lawsuits are more complex than the standard personal injury action, as it involves multiple plaintiffs against one or more defendant companies. There is no such fixed timeline, rule or guideline that determines how long a mass tort claim will last. While certain claims processes may resolve quickly, others may reach settlement negotiations only within a couple of years or can drag out even longer. Certain cases may require years of investigation, interview of expert witnesses, negotiation and litigation.
In many cases, the standard timeline is extended if you didn’t know or reasonably couldn’t be expected to know that the product had caused harm. But, even then, many states have absolute limits. So, it can be difficult to determine exactly how long you have to file a certain type of claim in a particular state. 

Any mass tort litigation would require collection, organizing and tracking of responses for large numbers of medical records, charts, doctors’ notes, and more. Law firms that defend or prosecute these cases should organize a vast array of case files and medical records, which is quite time consuming for all their staff. In mass tort litigation, attorneys have to handle several major issues simultaneously.

To ease their medical record handling tasks, professional medical record retrieval companies provide diverse services specific to mass tort law firms such as organizing, summarizing and reviewing medical charts. Files that are chronologically sorted into easy-to-read electronic files help both attorneys and expert legal consultants avoid spending their valuable

If you are eligible to file a mass tort lawsuit, you may end up being financially compensated for medical bills, lost wages, loss of earning potential, pain, suffering, and more.

You may be eligible to file a mass tort lawsuit if you or a loved one was physically or financially harmed by the wrongful actions of another entity, typically a large company. Nadrich & Cohen can provide you with a free consultation and give you advice on what the best steps are for you to take next.

Legal Ally has been successfully obtaining financial compensation for clients in mass tort lawsuits for years.

We routinely fight against large corporations such as drug companies, and our experienced, expert lawyers have recovered hundreds of millions of dollars on behalf of our clients.

We partner with contingency fee lawyers, meaning our clients would not be charged  to be represented in mass tort cases  until and unless you obtain the financial compensation. To get a free consultation, call us, or fill out our online Contact Form.